Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Author's Corner with Quentin Wallace

Welcome back to Author’s Corner!

Today I have the pleasure of interviewing Quentin Wallace who’s has self-published multiple books including “Tales from the Dark Distance” and “The Game Warden of Black Swamp”

Thank You Quentin for being a part of this!!!

My first question, why do you write?

I have stories inside that need to be told. I enjoy reading so much that I feel as though I should share my stories in case I can bring that same enjoyment to others.

When did you decide to become a writer, and what was that process like?

I have had a desire to write almost since I could read. It’s a long, difficult process, but basically you just have to write. You learn to write by writing, there’s really no other way to do it.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

I’d love to be a full time writer. I’d like to make millions and have movies made from my work etc, but really Id be happy just to be able to write full time even at a modest level.

Tell us, what have you written so far?

I have 2 Weird Western novels, Brackett Hollister: The Werewolf Pack and the sequel, Outlaw Voodoo. I have a horror novel as well, The Game Warden of Black Swamp. I have also written several short stories and novellas in Amazon’s Kindle Worlds program including Wayward Pines, John Rain, Silo Saga, GI Joe, Vampire Diaries and more.

Where can my readers buy or see them?

Everything is available on Amazon.

What genre are your books and what draws you to this genre?

I write in several genres, but mostly Horror and Adventure. I’ve loved horror since I was a child. Something about the genre just speaks to me.

Do you take any time for research?

Yes, research is necessary for all writers at some point.

So Quentin, what are you working on at the minute?

A horror novel. This will be straight horror rather than the adventure/horror I’ve mostly done before.

Do you mind telling my readers a bit about it?

It’s the darkest thing I’ve written and also the most graphic. I’m trying to push my boundaries on this one.

Do you write full-time or part-time?

Part time for now.

Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages per day?

Not really, but I do try to put in around an hour of writing. That can be 2,000 words on some days, or 500 on others depending on what’s being written on that day.

Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?

I always write at night.

Do you write on a typewriter, computer, dictate or longhand?


Tell us where do your ideas come from?

Everywhere, they can come from a dream, from a conversation I overheard, from a memory I have. Other books and movies can also give me ideas.

How long on average does it take you to write a book?

That’s a bit of trick question. It depends, but I write shorter novels so I can usually get one completed in six months from start to publishing. But really, it depends.

Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors. Which writers inspire you?
Yes I read constantly. Stephen King is my all time favorite. I also like many indie authors. Michael Benavidez, Justin Bienvenue, Philip Morgan, Sarah Brocious, Oak Anderson, Ashe Armstrong,Perry Lake, Sarah Noffke, Lily Author and many others. They are all inspirational. These are indy writers who are doing just what I did, taking the plunge. Haven’t heard of them? You will. For your own reading, do you prefer ebooks or traditional paper/hard back books? I lean more towards traditional books, but I’m starting to like ebooks more as well. What book/s are you reading at present? Dead Sea by Tim Curran, A Choir of Ill Children by Tom Piccrilli, and Does The Noise in my Head Bother you by Steven Tyler.

What do you do to get book reviews?

I do free promotions on my books and also from time to time will do a R2R program.

How successful has your quest for reviews been so far?

Not great, but not terrible either.

Do you have a strategy for finding reviewers?

Not really. If you write it, they will come.

What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?

I personally think way too much emphasis is given to reviews in general. They are mostly subjective. What one person hates, another will love, and vice versa. I suppose as long as people are reading it and taking the time to write a review, the writer should be happy.

Why self-publishing?

It’s just easier than trying to fight for a book contract. If a publisher was interested, I’d definitely consider it.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Never give up. Read as much as possible, and write as much as possible.

Where do you see your publishing going in the future?

Hopefully the sky’s the limit!

And my Last Question, How can readers discover more about you and you work?

Website: ​
Click Here for my Amazon Author Page

Make sure to show him some Love


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